- Please have MetaMask Extension installed in your web browser on your Laptop or a Desktop.
- Guide to install MetaMask:
- Make sure you are on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network in your MetaMask.
- Steps on how to add BSC network in MetaMask:
- ANYSWAP does not support Ledger/Trezor, so make sure to connect your MetaMask address and not Ledger/Trezor address.
How to convert your ERC-20 PRARE to BEP-20 PRARE (Deposit)
- Go to
- Click on ‘Connect to a wallet’ & select ‘MetaMask’. Once your wallet is connected, Anyswap will show your wallet address
- In the Deposit field, enter the amount of ERC-20 PRARE tokens you want to convert to BEP-20 PRARE
- Carefully read the Reminder & Agree to the Anyswap terms and click on the ‘CrossChain Deposit’ button.
- Sign the Metamask transaction in pop-up & you will be able to see the swap transaction in progress on the right-hand side with the ‘PolkaRare logo icon’.
- Be Patient, Estimated Time of Deposit Arrival is 10–30 mins.
- After the transaction is successful, You have successfully bridged your tokens. You can see BEP-20 PRARE tokens on your BSC address in Metamask.
How to convert your BEP-20 PRARE to ERC-20 PRARE (Redeem)
- Go to the ‘Redeem’ section & follow the same procedure as above.
For any queries related to Anyswap & conversion, you can ask them directly in our telegram group at
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